we have moved to marymorgangentry.com .
please join us over there for our new blog and retail store.
much love,
mary morgan
Monday, March 3, 2014
Sunday, November 13, 2011
october is the most important month of the entire year for my family. while i love selling 600 thread-count-sheets tuesday through saturday it has been a nice change of pace selling pumpkins and watching the worlds cutest kids try to push wheel-barrels full of pumpkins on my days off. so now for a little catch up..
much love,
mary morgan
it was a picture perfect fall season.
work wise, it was a very busy month.
we started off the month with a little music video by the one and only justin bieber.
they shot in front of the store and it was such a fun experience to be a part of and watch.
when you see the silver shopping bags in the video- they were stuffed with tissue paper by yours truly.
my little sister sure did love the 'bag of snow' i saved for her as a souvenir.
at lulu we celebrated fall with a pretty pink pumpkin patch.
we even got to be a part of a proposal during october.
we had this frame that said, "what are you doing the rest of your life? north and south and east and west of your life? i have one request, that you spend it all with me." one of our customers had placed a picture of his girlfriend and himself in it and we placed it on the wall as if it was for sale. and when she walked in and saw it he walked her to the front of the store and got down on one knee on the sidewalk and proposed. my boss and i watched from behind the counter with a few tears. it was magical.
it was a great flea market month, i got a few great pieces half-off on the last day.
trying to stock up on some furniture for a future business venture. more to come on that soon.
we had another great hootenanny to close out the fall season.
(what's a hootenanny you ask? oh just a semi-annual party/dinner/concert thrown by my granddad and some very, very talented songwriter brothers he coached at brentwood academy.)
there was some great dancing. i laughed until i cried.
it was a pretty great month. and november has proved to be a pretty great month as well.
this lovely photo is from pinterest.
mary morgan
Monday, September 26, 2011
twenty-four hours in nyc.
my best friend katie and i went on a trip to new york city. for twenty four hours. you heard that right. we are wild and crazy.
we flew out of nashville, flew to dc, then made it to new york by 11am.
we immediately hit central park for some lunch and then worked our way down fifth avenue.
we saw jill form the real housewives of new york at henri bendel. and this lady goes, "did you see jill?" and i said, "um no, i'm looking at tori burch, don't bother me."
just kidding. i didn't say that. but i thought that.
we literally shopped till we dropped.... at rockefeller center.
yummy dessert and coffee on the rink.
and i bought a hat. it just felt right.
that night we made it to iguana (my friends uncle's restaurant)
for some yummy guacamole and lovely music.
then the next morning we woke up bright and early for regis and kelly.
somehow we were late, i don't know how that happened. so when we got there we were in a group of seat fillers. but when we walked in the studio this lady pulled us
to the front and told us to sit down in the reserved seats, on the front row, so we did,
you can see everyone in the audience giving us evil eyes. sorry...
to prove we were actually on tv.. thanks ashleigh for the freeze frame!
there's kelly and andy cohen (guest co-host) and james marsden. oh my.
and then kelly changed in to this outfit to stomp grapes. and she was still adorable.
and there's gelman behind kelly running the show.
we ran out the door, jumped in a taxi and headed back to la gaurdia. as we jumped out of the taxi the man yelled, "take a bus next time" and i yelled back "thank you" in my best southern accent.
then we flew back to the south were we belong.
the end.
happy monday.
much love,
mary morgan
Sunday, August 28, 2011
i am looking forward to september for the following reasons:
-house churches start back and i get to be a part of one discussing one of my favorite books, bittersweet. cant wait to talk about it with some great girls.
-i will finally be the owner of a new-er car. but i almost cried when i started thinking about giving up 'the great escape.'
-and last but not least.. september will be AWESOME because i get to go to LIVE with regis and kelly. heres how it all went down: ashleigh and landis went last month to see regis and kelly and my best friend katie got it in her mind that we needed to go too (they just looked like they had so much fun). so katie wrote a letter to regis and kelly (in a very cute way.. she's an art teacher) and they gave us tickets! so september 16th tune-in and watch for a blonde and brunette in the audience. we will be spending one night in NYC then flying back to nashville for the taylor swift concert (my mom is wonderful and got my sister and i tickets and taylor is my guilty pleasure). i am beyond excited for those 48 hours of fun.
bon voyage!
much love,
mary morgan
ps- my moms blogging about farming! check out the gentry farm blog here.
Friday, August 19, 2011
one year.
i have officially been a working girl for one year.
and i love my job more and more every day.

i am feeling very blessed these days.
here to many more beautiful years to come.
much love,
mary morgan
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

so i had a little party for my birthday. well it was kind of big. thirty of my closest friends and fireworks were involved.
all my wonderful friends came out to franklin for an evening of farm fun. we ate gentry farm natural beef burgers, watermelon, strawberry cake, cold sundrop, (from a glass bottle of course) played gentry farm camp games and watched fireworks.
some people even ended up simming in the river.
it was magical.
and i have no idea how i am going to top it next year. needless to say, it was a wonderful birthday. i am so grateful for each and every person who helped me celebrate.

austin and baker playing checkers gentry farm camp style, with bottle caps.

paper straws courtesy of lulu.

my perpetually cute best friends katie.

i love my friends.

we ate family style. of course.

lots of games were played.

more beautiful friends.

i dont do candid very well.

playing corn hole, on gingham boards of course!

and last but not least, my pretty roommates. so grateful for our friendship.
and for libby's fantastic photography skills. thanks so much for the pictures. they make me so very happy.
you captured the night perfectly.
i think i am going to throw parties like this more often.
like every month.
much love,
mary morgan
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